ESP32 connection with authentication delay
Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:52 pm
We are in the way of optimize communication with a device which has a ESP32 Wifi inside and we are using this ESP32 Wifi as a SSL Server.
The request go on C# using SslStream library vía socket. The issue appear when we try to athenticate our access when the connection to SSL Server (the device with ESP32 inside) has been stablished.
But although the rest of code is being processing and the request go on and it's being received by the Server ESP32, there is about 6 sg delay between this Method (AthenticateAsClient()) execution and reception of the certificate delivered by the ESP32 (the native certificate inside).
How can we decrease this lapse of time?, Is this a certificate matter?, Is a ESP32 hardware issue?
Thanks in advance
We are in the way of optimize communication with a device which has a ESP32 Wifi inside and we are using this ESP32 Wifi as a SSL Server.
The request go on C# using SslStream library vía socket. The issue appear when we try to athenticate our access when the connection to SSL Server (the device with ESP32 inside) has been stablished.
- /* Creating the socket */
- sslstream = new SslStream(cliente.GetStream(), false, ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback);
- /* Here is the authentication with server where we have the issue */
- sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient("{Nombre Host}");
How can we decrease this lapse of time?, Is this a certificate matter?, Is a ESP32 hardware issue?
Thanks in advance