How fast does ESP32 go into / come out of Light Sleep mode?

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How fast does ESP32 go into / come out of Light Sleep mode?

Postby Jern_97 » Tue Aug 13, 2019 9:16 am

Question is in the title.

For my thesis I am working with a ESP32 board. It has to gather data from an accelerometer at 100Hz. It does this by waking up from light sleep 100 times a second and reading the values. I want to estimate the duty cycle (the time it is not in sleep) but I don't have the necessary equipment to measure the current at such high speeds. I tried lighting up an LED while the ESP is active an get a duty cycle of around 2.6%. This however doesn't take the time it takes to get or come out of light sleep into account.

My question now, how long does it take the ESP32 to get into or resume from light sleep? I assume it's very quick but I couldn't find any numbers.

PS: my cpu is running at 80MHz.

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