Open Hardware HydraBus Shield / Breakout Board for ESP32 - PCB received

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Open Hardware HydraBus Shield / Breakout Board for ESP32 - PCB received

Postby hydrabus » Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:26 pm

10 x PCB HydraBus Shield for ESP32(ESP31 mod) received, now I'm waiting ESP32 If anyone is interested (for free PCB) contact me on twitter:
This PCB can be also used without an HydraBus (you can cut the PCB after J4/J5 for a very little ESP32 breakout board).


For more details see also thread:

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Re: Open Hardware HydraBus Shield / Breakout Board for ESP32 - PCB received

Postby dpharris » Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:56 pm

I may be interested. I bounced around the Hydrabus sites, BUT could not find a one paragraph description of what Hydrabus is ??


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Re: Open Hardware HydraBus Shield / Breakout Board for ESP32 - PCB received

Postby hydrabus » Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:37 pm

Sorry for the late reply but I have just seen your question/post now as I have not received any notification.

HydraBus is low cost Open Source Hardware and Software platform with a high performance 168MHz ARM Cortex M4F MCU
For more details see

Main problem today for ESP32 support is to test it as I have not any ESP32 for test and the actual design is done with ESP32Beta board I need to check with final ESP32 version and check all work fine.

Best Regards,

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