JTAG schematic for custom board based on ESP32-WROOM-32D
Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 7:24 pm
We are in the process of testing JTAG on a custom board based on the ESP32-WROOM-32D, using a J-Link Debug Probe by SEGGER.
Based on the peripheral schematics found in chapter 7, page 14 of the esp32-wroom-32_datasheet_en.pdf and the ESP-WROVER-KIT_V4_1.pdf schematic, I would like to know how exactly I should proceed connecting MTMS/MTDI/MTCK/MTDO/EN.
I have attached screenshots from the datasheets for your convenience.
In the ESP32-WROOM-32 Datasheet V2.6 ESP32 IO14/IO12/IO13/IO15 are routed to JTAG MTMS/MTDI/MTCK/MTDO with a 100R series resistor.
In the ESP-WROVER-KIT_V4_1 schematic ESP32 IO13 is routed to MTCK via a 10K pull down resistor, IO12/IO15/IO14 are routed to MTDI/MTDO/MTMS via a 10K pull up resistor. EN is also connected to a 10K pull up.
We are using the ESP32-WROOM-32D on a custom board.
How should we connect IO14/IO12/IO13/IO15/EN to the JTAG connector? Using the 10K pull up/down resistors? Using the 100R in series? Both (10K pull up/down and 100R series)? Why are there no pull up/down resistors in the Peripheral Schematics of ESP32-WROOM-32 Datasheet V2.6?
Will the 10K pull up on EN impact serial flashing (we are also using UART DOWNLOAD and automatic bootloader)?
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind regards,
We are in the process of testing JTAG on a custom board based on the ESP32-WROOM-32D, using a J-Link Debug Probe by SEGGER.
Based on the peripheral schematics found in chapter 7, page 14 of the esp32-wroom-32_datasheet_en.pdf and the ESP-WROVER-KIT_V4_1.pdf schematic, I would like to know how exactly I should proceed connecting MTMS/MTDI/MTCK/MTDO/EN.
I have attached screenshots from the datasheets for your convenience.
In the ESP32-WROOM-32 Datasheet V2.6 ESP32 IO14/IO12/IO13/IO15 are routed to JTAG MTMS/MTDI/MTCK/MTDO with a 100R series resistor.
In the ESP-WROVER-KIT_V4_1 schematic ESP32 IO13 is routed to MTCK via a 10K pull down resistor, IO12/IO15/IO14 are routed to MTDI/MTDO/MTMS via a 10K pull up resistor. EN is also connected to a 10K pull up.
We are using the ESP32-WROOM-32D on a custom board.
How should we connect IO14/IO12/IO13/IO15/EN to the JTAG connector? Using the 10K pull up/down resistors? Using the 100R in series? Both (10K pull up/down and 100R series)? Why are there no pull up/down resistors in the Peripheral Schematics of ESP32-WROOM-32 Datasheet V2.6?
Will the 10K pull up on EN impact serial flashing (we are also using UART DOWNLOAD and automatic bootloader)?
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind regards,