ESP32 ADC2 worked yesterday, doesn't today with same-ish code

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ESP32 ADC2 worked yesterday, doesn't today with same-ish code

Postby tecywiz122 » Thu Mar 31, 2022 5:02 am


I'm pretty new to the world of embedded programming, and even newer to physical electronics, so I'm more than a little worried I perma-fried my new board!

I've put together a repository that I hope will explain my setup and code:

The summary is that I'm trying to build a plant monitoring device with a couple sensors, and while I was developing yesterday I was able to read values from the Huzzah32's battery voltage pin and from the photoresistor. I moved on to coding up the 1-Wire temperature sensor, and when I came back to put it all together, the values I read from ADC2 are always the minimum. The battery voltage still works as far as I can tell.

I've checked that there's voltage going across the photoresistor, and if I put the pin in digital mode it switches from high to low if I put a bright light on it. That makes me think I somehow screwed up the ADC itself?


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Re: ESP32 ADC2 worked yesterday, doesn't today with same-ish code

Postby ESP_Sprite » Thu Mar 31, 2022 5:18 am

Are you using WiFi now? ADC2 is incompatible with WiFi.

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Re: ESP32 ADC2 worked yesterday, doesn't today with same-ish code

Postby tecywiz122 » Thu Mar 31, 2022 3:10 pm

ESP_Sprite wrote:
Thu Mar 31, 2022 5:18 am
Are you using WiFi now? ADC2 is incompatible with WiFi.
I don't believe so, unless I need to explicitly disable it. This is the entirety of my code:

Code: Select all

use embedded_hal::adc::nb::OneShot;

use esp_idf_sys as _;

use esp_idf_hal::prelude::*;
use esp_idf_hal::adc::{self, PoweredAdc};
use esp_idf_hal::gpio::Pin;

fn main() {

    let p = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
    let mut pin = p.pins.gpio14.into_analog_atten_11db().unwrap();
    let config = adc::config::Config::new().calibration(true);
    let mut adc = PoweredAdc::new(p.adc2, config).unwrap();

    unsafe {
        esp_idf_sys::gpio_set_pull_mode(, esp_idf_sys::gpio_pull_mode_t_GPIO_PULLUP_ONLY);

    loop {
        let value = nb::block!( pin)).unwrap();
        println!("Value: {}", value);

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Joined: Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:55 am

Re: ESP32 ADC2 worked yesterday, doesn't today with same-ish code

Postby tecywiz122 » Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:32 pm

Switching to embedded-hal 0.2.7 fixed it!

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