Unable to Program Custom ESP32-U4WDH

ESP Lover
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Unable to Program Custom ESP32-U4WDH

Postby ESP Lover » Wed Aug 19, 2020 2:12 am

I've created plenty of custom ESP32-WROOM boards before but this is my first ESP32-U4WDH.

I'm getting serial output from the board but am unable to program it. Any idea what I didn't do or need to do to get it to program?
CPU.png (91.46 KiB) Viewed 3456 times
programming.png (6.42 KiB) Viewed 3456 times

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Re: Unable to Program Custom ESP32-U4WDH

Postby markxr » Wed Aug 19, 2020 7:20 pm

In general you need to pull GPIO0 low while resetting the chip (pull EN low) and it will enter programming mode, then you can program with any normal programming software through the serial port (uart0)

It looks like those transistors you've got connected to the GPIO0 and EN might do the job from your serial RTS and DTR lines, I'd check with a scope that you're seeing the correct levels on GPIO0 and EN.

Some of the modules I've used don't seem to be able to pull the DTR line low, so maybe just attach a button from gpio0 to gnd and do it manually?

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Re: Unable to Program Custom ESP32-U4WDH

Postby Koxx33 » Mon Jan 31, 2022 12:22 pm

did you solve your issue ?

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