I have designed a custom ESP32 board based on Wroom-32 module for one medical application. However, I am not able to erase it's flash and getting following error.
I am using a boot switch to connect RTS <-> EN and DTR <-> GPIO0 as there in https://dl.espressif.com/dl/schematics/ ... 80607a.pdfC:\02-Rahul\01-Consultancy Projects\Process\Software\Test Files - 25-12-2021>esptool --port com4 erase_flash
esptool.py v3.1
Serial port com4
Device PID identification is only supported on COM and /dev/ serial ports.
A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to Espressif device: Invalid head of packet (0x1B)
I also tried connecting RTS and EN directly and DTR and GPIO0 directly, still facing the same error.
Attached my schematics for reference.
Can anyone kindly check and help me here?