Powering ESP32 from 18650 (and charging them)

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Powering ESP32 from 18650 (and charging them)

Postby StevenCellist » Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:50 pm

Hi guys,

I am looking to power the ESP32 from an 18650 battery.
Since these batteries have a varying output voltage, I assume I need some voltage regulator, but most I can find in my favorite store that output 3.3V require an input voltage of >5V. Or the output current would be too low (around 200 mA) with no headroom for peripherals.
I found one LDO voltage regulator, the LM3940, with a rated output current of 1A. Will that work?

Also, on the same topic: what is the best way to charge 6× 18650 battery with 4.2V 1A charging specs each? Any suggestions?

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Joined: Sat Dec 04, 2021 12:45 pm

Re: Powering ESP32 from 18650 (and charging them)

Postby mldevw » Sat Dec 04, 2021 1:04 pm

Hi, for my esp8266 I used the same with a diode for voltage drop inbetween so I am only slightly out of spec.
This saves more power than a regulator and furthermore is dirt cheap. The devices are running since 4 years without an issue.
Of course this may or may not work on large scale, I only have experience with a small series

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