Will ESP32 eventually support BLE 5?

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Will ESP32 eventually support BLE 5?

Postby leelive » Fri Mar 31, 2017 12:23 am

Subject says it all. Right now we're developing with both the ESP32 and the nRF52832 because we'll need BLE 5 in one product. It would be great if we could standardize on the ESP32 exclusively.

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Re: Will ESP32 eventually support BLE 5?

Postby kolban » Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:16 am

What features of BLE 5 do you see your project needing to use?
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Re: Will ESP32 eventually support BLE 5?

Postby leelive » Mon Apr 03, 2017 4:50 pm

We need the increased advertising payload. More efficient data transfer is a plus as well, but increased adv is essential.

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Re: Will ESP32 eventually support BLE 5?

Postby madscientist_42 » Mon Apr 03, 2017 4:54 pm

kolban wrote:What features of BLE 5 do you see your project needing to use?
Anyone using 5 is looking for the higher speeds or the long-range support. Neither of which are going to grace this device unless they've licensed the BT 5 Modem and Controller either from their supplier or someone else and planning on a new spin of these things with some way to KNOW externally that it's the 5 supporting devices. I see a next-gen chip past this one using that. It might even use a RISC-V core set instead of the Tensilicas.

Most are needing the stuff for forward-looking reasons. I'd like to have it myself- but it is what it is and we don't have it in this SoC.

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