Where to buy the core DevKitC V4 without ESP

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Where to buy the core DevKitC V4 without ESP

Postby MisterTechnik » Sun Nov 29, 2020 6:59 pm

You find so many ESP32s with the DevKitC on them and you also find many ESP32 WROOMs and WROVERs without a dev board.
But why is it almost impossible to find the DevKitC without an ESP soldered on?? (Except for the dustiest corner in Aliexpress.

Now to my question:
Does someone know a shop with a relatively small shipping time to Germany that sells those?

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Re: Where to buy the core DevKitC V4 without ESP

Postby becorey » Mon Nov 30, 2020 7:58 am

Probably because the purpose of the devkitc board is to use the ESP32. What are you looking to do with the board? Solder on the ESP32 yourself for soldering practice? Or use some different micro?

Maybe you could contact the manufacturer of the devkitc , see if they would do a pcba run and NC (no component / not populated) the ESP32. It would save some component cost, but incur cost from a low volume run. Or you could remake the pcb layout yourself and order it from a pcb fab company.

Espressif even provides the layout and gerber files of the devkitc, you could hand that over to a pcb prototype company like jlcpcb or pcbway, and just specify NC the ESP32
https://www.espressif.com/en/support/do ... ment-board

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Re: Where to buy the core DevKitC V4 without ESP

Postby boarchuz » Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:16 am

There's ESP-PROG and ESP32-DevkitS. The latter looks perfect for you.

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Re: Where to buy the core DevKitC V4 without ESP

Postby MisterTechnik » Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:20 pm

Thanks for your quick replies, I apparently wrongly expected that email notifications would have been turned on and just thought that nobody replied.

I intend to give others the opportunity to relatively quickly (so not aliexpress where I originally got my hands on them) obtain one for themselves to solder an ESP32 on, which is not being produced with this dev board soldered on. And the process of ordering and assembling shouldn't be made that complicated so no custom produced PCB and ordering single parts to solder them on it.

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