How to sample ADC with a constant timing?

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How to sample ADC with a constant timing?

Postby sravyts » Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:08 pm

I am wondering what the best way is of sampling with constant intervals on the ESP32.
I have some experience with TI C2000 microprocessors where you need to set timers to generate interrupts to sample a certain ADC. I always found it quite a lot of work and when I read about the FreeRTOS scheduler it seemed to be a very interesting solution to get around programming the timers and interrupts and just make a function that reads out a pin and set the desired frequency with freertos. However, I noticed in this post that they still seem to use the timers and interrupts, which seems weird to me as it's much more convenient to do it with freertos. So, is there somehow a limit on the use of freertos when high sampling frequencies are required? I would like to sample at 10 kHz or higher and on multiple channels and I am thinking to use the MCP 3909, which has an SPI interface. Thanks in advance for your input! :)

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