LOLIN D32 - Trouble uploading skethc via arduino

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LOLIN D32 - Trouble uploading skethc via arduino

Postby tracing » Wed Jul 11, 2018 3:50 am

after code compiles and CONNECTING is displayed I have to press the D32's reset button once a second in a crapshoot to get it to connect or else I get "A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header"

This process will make development a huge headache, what am I missing ?

Mike Teachman
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Re: LOLIN D32 - Trouble uploading skethc via arduino

Postby Mike Teachman » Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:51 pm

I have similar connection problems. I use the ESPTOOL with Lolin D32 boards to install the MicroPython firmware binary.

Here is how I fixed the connection problem:

I added an external 1 uF capacitor between the RESET and GND pins. This change is discussed on the MicroPython forum: ... 7&start=20
Look for the posts that contain images of oscilloscope captures.

Maybe this will work for you?

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Re: LOLIN D32 - Trouble uploading skethc via arduino

Postby JoeSensoric » Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:14 am

I have a new Wemos Lolin D32 board and also got errors when flashing. I solved the issue by reducing the baud rate for flashing to 115200.
I can flash the older Lolin 32 board with 921600 baud with exact the same hardware environment (USB port, cable).

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Re: LOLIN D32 - Trouble uploading skethc via arduino

Postby AskSensors » Thu Oct 25, 2018 10:13 pm

Don't forget to double-check:
1/ The USB cable, change it with another.
2/ The Port and board configuration.
3/ Remove any device connected to the ESP32 during the flashing.

I don't think that the reset is an issue. but the you can try also reducing the baud rate as suggested before.
Hope it helps.

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Re: LOLIN D32 - Trouble uploading skethc via arduino

Postby rballonline » Fri Aug 30, 2019 3:58 am

Try grounding the GPIO 0 pin. Take it out when you're done. Fun...

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