Timed out waiting for packet header

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Timed out waiting for packet header

Postby AlfroJang80 » Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:26 pm


I just got back my custom PC using the ESP-WROOM32 module. I'm using an FTDI with it. GPIO0 is connected to ground via a jumper.


I made a very stupid mistake and forgot to include a pushbutton and pull-up for the EN pin.

Anyways - the chip boots up (I can see from serial monitor in the Arduino IDE) and I can also almost flash to it but it fails after writing with the error "Timed out waiting for packet header". Is it due to the fact that my EN isn't being pulled down to ground at boot? It's going to be super difficult to get a pull-up in there now.


My Arduino IDE settings are as follows:

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