RTC_GPIO PINS - deepsleep consumption

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RTC_GPIO PINS - deepsleep consumption

Postby andrelmbraga » Fri May 03, 2019 3:02 pm

Hello guys,

I have a pcb project where I use an ESP-WROOM-32 with a SPI LoRa chip and one I2C sensor.

When I putt my ESP-WROOM-32 in deep sleep mode I realized that there are current flowing in the GPIOs, to avoid this I'm using this function: rtc_gpio_isolate() where I can choose one RTC_GPIO to get isolated from the board.

However I already did some PCB and some of SPI pins are not RTC_GPIOs, and I'm wondering about the current in the deep sleep mode.
Following my pins:

Code: Select all

#define SCK 5   // GPIO5   SCK  - NO RTC
#define MISO 19 // GPIO19 MISO //NO RTC
#define MOSI 27 // GPIO27 MOSI //YES RTC
#define SS 18   // GPIO18 CS //NO RTC 
#define RST 14  // GPIO14 RESET // YES RTC 
#define DI00 26 // GPIO26 IRQ(Interrupt Request) YES RTC 
#define SDA 4 //YES RTC 
#define SCL 15 //YES RTC 
Is there any way to change the RTC_GPIO pins via software? As the I2C interfaces are connected to pins via GPIO matrix and I can choose the whatever pins I want I was thinking if is possible to stay with this pins and make them RTC_PINS whithout change my PCB hardware.

If is not possible to do what I'm asking (probably the answer) and you guys know another way to do the same thing I'm glad to have suggestions.

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Re: RTC_GPIO PINS - deepsleep consumption

Postby WiFive » Sat May 04, 2019 6:34 am

Non-rtcio pins aka digital pins shouldn't be leaking in deep sleep

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Re: RTC_GPIO PINS - deepsleep consumption

Postby davdav » Fri May 24, 2019 8:04 am

WiFive wrote:
Sat May 04, 2019 6:34 am
Non-rtcio pins aka digital pins shouldn't be leaking in deep sleep
I'm trying to understand if GPIO (non-RTC), for example GPIO22, GPO23,GPIO5, etc.., are "automatically" isolated when ESP32 goes into deep-sleep or I have to take some care depending on the external circuit (if there is a pull-up, pull-down)

Do you have any reference about this? I have searched on forum and googled but have found nothing about digital GPIO (non RTC).


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