MAC address same across several boards

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MAC address same across several boards

Postby tchapin » Wed Jan 29, 2025 6:51 pm

I am using an ESP32c6-mini and utilizing the "esp_efuse_mac_get_default" function to get the base MAC address to then use in my BLE/WiFi naming. We have used this method several hundred times on the ESP32S3-WROOM and the ESP32C3-WROOM and never saw anything like this.

Across 3 different chips, the "esp_efuse_mac_get_default" returns the exact same MAC address.

We tried using the "esp_read_mac(tempMACAddress,ESP_MAC_BASE);" function and it returns a different address (as expected).

What is the difference between the two functions and why?

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Re: MAC address same across several boards

Postby OWOLLC » Wed Feb 26, 2025 8:28 pm

Have you gotten any responses from ESPRESSIF?

I am not the developer of the board the ESP32 is embedded in, but I am running into the same issue.

The ones in my batch that have the issue start with D8:47:...

IF the mac ends with an ODD number, (1, 3,... up to D we've found so far) the reported MAC to a device connecting by Bluetooth is always the same: AB:89... :01

Do yours have any pattern to the issue?

Additionally, having just looked it up while writing this, the problem MAC address shows as "Invalid" according to fyicenter {dot com}, and any surrounding low bits are also invalid. I don't know if it's something in the middle that also happens to always coincide with an ending odd number, but that's where I'm at with 9 out of 30 boards.

Code: Select all

Specified MAC Address: Invalid ✘

MAC address specified: D8478F810B49
MAC address normalized: D8-47-8F-81-0B-49

Is It Unicast or Multicast?
   Unicast: First bit = 0. Identifies a single device.

Is It Global or Local?
   Global: Second bit = 0. Valid globally.

DNSChecker {dot org} says it's fine though, and from "Microchip Technology Inc."

I haven't checked the "working" ones yet.

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Re: MAC address same across several boards

Postby ESP_Sprite » Fri Feb 28, 2025 12:53 am

What does ` read_mac` say when you use it on the ESP board?

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