Is it smart to use a HC-SR04/Lidar sensor with the esp32 board (wireless through meshtastic) for a manhole Cover

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Is it smart to use a HC-SR04/Lidar sensor with the esp32 board (wireless through meshtastic) for a manhole Cover

Postby lakindumuhandirumge » Fri Jun 07, 2024 3:44 am

I am trying to hear some opinions about the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor/Lidar sensor since I am planning to purchase them for a remote manhole cover system. I have read online about instances where there are erroneous results produced by the ultrasonic sensor and the need to ensure that any faulty readings need to be ignored.

Moreover, in a manhole, it would be quite humid and condensation occurs which might cause errors in the functioning of the system. If my approach is not practical, I would love to hear any recommendations.


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