ESP32-S3 resetting when connected to ESP-PROG

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ESP32-S3 resetting when connected to ESP-PROG

Postby alicia.coto » Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:51 pm


I am currently using the ESP-PROG to program a separate PCB that I have designed with the ESP-32-WROOM-1U on it.
I am using the VScode extension to program the boards.

I can program the eval board just fine using the 'Flash (UART) your Project' command, but I get the following error when trying to program using the esp-prog.
esp error.PNG
esp error.PNG (24.99 KiB) Viewed 831 times
I am also seeing that the ESP keeps resetting when connected to the ESP-PROG. It does not do this when it is powered separately. The USB serial converter is also using the FTDI driver. and appears as a USB serial port in my device manager.

Any ideas on how to fix this so I can program the board?


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