Is there a way to measure steering angle using esp32 Microcontroller from a Car?

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Is there a way to measure steering angle using esp32 Microcontroller from a Car?

Postby noorchauhan » Fri Jan 19, 2024 5:42 pm

Hacking the OBD-II port via esp32 micro-controller

I am trying to find a definitive way of measuring steering angle of a car [ A real Car ], The subject car is equipped with power steering and has adaptive cruise control so I believe it will have the ability to be manipulated via OBD-II port and capture real time steering angle and also it is possible to manipulate the steering motor to turn accordingly with commands, Also I currently am in possession of an ESP32 microcontroller so I was thinking how can I first connect to the car's micro controller and read and filter data to find the steering angle?

I am aware of this being on of the hardest challenge and also am aware of it being the hardest to manipulate. I would love any guidance/help from the community as there is almost to no literature on the web for the same.[

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