I have a problem with my own created pcb.
This is my pcb design
- ESP32-S3 SoC
- 5V to 3.3V with MCP1700
- USB with D+ and D- to GPIO19/GPIO20
- 40MHz Crystal to XTAL_N and XTAL_P
- R2 is my boot-button, I solder the pads together if I need to enable the boot-mode
- CHIP_PU pullup with R1 to enable the chip
- 3.3V to all VDD-Pins except VDD_SPI
- ESP32-S3FN8
- Crystal 40MHz (https://www.digikey.de/de/products/deta ... TR/8023347)
- C2 and C3 with 8pF
When I connect the ESP32-S3 to my computer via USB, it is not recognized. It does not appear as a new USB connection, even though the chip should be in boot mode.
I reset the Chip by connecting the CHIP_PU pin to GND.
During reset, it uses 9mA of power, but once reset, it only uses 6mA. This low power consumption indicates that the chip is not turned on. Normally it would use more like 50-200mA, right?
What could be the solution to this problem? Are there any missing components or connections required to power up the chip?
Thank you for your help!