LTE websocket stream video camera

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Joined: Tue Jun 27, 2023 12:42 pm

LTE websocket stream video camera

Postby noam.smr » Tue Jun 27, 2023 12:49 pm

Trying to build a tiny camera able to stream its video through LTE cellular internet. The idea is to have a device made of one or few microcontrollers with the spec:

- Have a SIM card slot
- Connect to a cellular internet
- Live stream a continual video from the camera using - Websocket through cellular internet
- Have some sort compression to the video like h.264 / h.265 encoding
- Overall max weight: 60g
- The GSM module can't use any sort of NB-IOT because it hasn't enough bandwidth for video stream.

Up until now Im able to stream video with esp32-cam through local network. but I need it through global network. I have sim7020e-NB module but it’s NB-IOT, meaning it supports only up to 250kbps GSM bandwidth which isn’t enough for transmitting video.

Trying to find for any combination of microcontrollers or one board that could give me the above spec. Does anyone have a clue?

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