Need Hardware Design Help for ESP32 Camera Interface

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Need Hardware Design Help for ESP32 Camera Interface

Postby Feanôr » Mon Feb 06, 2023 2:29 pm

Hi everyone,

I am currently working on my master thesis and looking to develop my own ESP32-based camera PCB.
As I am limited in space, I am not able to use the existing ESP32CAM or similar boards, therefor I would like to design my own.
As the camera interface seems to use the I2S connection to directly write to the psram, I was thinking of using the EPS32-S3-WROOM-1U with the maximum of 8Mb psram as base module for my design.
I will use the same camera modules as used by the ESP32CAM, for example the OVP2560 and OVP5640.

Here is where I would like to ask your help:

-Which of the IO pins should I use for the camera interface (Data, VSYNC, HREF, PCLK)? Is there a difference?

-What are the pcb guideline for the interface tracks? do they need to be delay or impedance matched or need a terminating resistor?

-I would like to be able to store the images on an SD card or flash storage in the long run. Do you have any recommendations for this?

thanks in advance for all your help!

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