LED Dot Matrix Display MAX7219 with MicroSD

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Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2022 7:15 pm

LED Dot Matrix Display MAX7219 with MicroSD

Postby niibee » Fri Nov 18, 2022 7:29 pm

I'm a newbie of ESP32 and elettronic in general, please be patience.
I'm trying to connect a dot matrix display MAX7219 and a microSD slot at the same ESP32 board.
I'm able to use the display and the micro sd alone, but I have no idea how I can connect both together.
I thought I can use the pin out of the matrix display to connect MOSI, CS and SCK pin of the microsd while the MISO pin directly at the board. But in this case it doesnt work unfortunately. Maybe I'm doing everything wrong.
If it is not possible is there any external module to play wav or mp3 and that it can be managed/drove by the esp32 that you can suggest?

thanks lot for any good advice

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Re: LED Dot Matrix Display MAX7219 with MicroSD

Postby chegewara » Wed Nov 23, 2022 5:37 pm

Pullup resistors on SPI pins, length of the wires to SD card etc.
Lower SPI speed for test purpose.

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