ESP32-C3 putting device into download boot

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Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:14 pm

ESP32-C3 putting device into download boot

Postby Cyclocyclone » Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:20 pm

So I am designing a dev board based on ESP32-C3 (ESP32-C3FN4) and I am not sure if I am correct with connections for download boot.

Is it enough to put tactile switched on GPIO2 and GPIO8 towards VCC and pull-down on GPIO9.

Also should I include connector in case the device needs to be flashed?

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Re: ESP32-C3 putting device into download boot

Postby aid219 » Fri Oct 28, 2022 11:15 am

U need to start your esp32 with Low level on Boot pin for begin bootloader.In normal mode u can hold HIGH level on this pin by pullup him with 10k, for example. Usually u can use 2 buttons for switching mode, 1 - for connect boot pin to GND, 2 - for pull RST(EN) pin to GND - for restarting esp32(u need to pullup it too).Also u can use special schemes which will do it automatically

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Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:14 pm

Re: ESP32-C3 putting device into download boot

Postby Cyclocyclone » Mon Nov 14, 2022 9:16 pm

Thanks, can you please provide me with special schematics for auto boot?

Also would you put programming header in case bootloader fails?

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