Search found 40 matches

by luisonoff
Fri Aug 30, 2019 12:53 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: OTA of factory app
Replies: 7
Views: 16187

Re: OTA of factory app

For future users who find this: changing factory app thru OTA should be doable.
I explain how we changed partition table in this other topic, using a very similar approach you should be able to change factory app I think: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=11482&p=48589#p48589
by luisonoff
Fri Aug 30, 2019 12:51 pm
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: Dynamically changing the partition file.
Replies: 2
Views: 5826

Re: Dynamically changing the partition file.

For future users who find this: dynamically changing the partition table is doable.
I explain how we did it in this other topic: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=11482&p=48589#p48589
by luisonoff
Fri Aug 30, 2019 12:48 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: ESP32: Partition Table Update through OTA
Replies: 13
Views: 39136

Re: ESP32: Partition Table Update through OTA

Hello, I just wanted to share my findings about this topic of updating partition table through OTA, for future users who fight this. I faced this problem because we wanted to change partition table from FACTORY+OTA to OTA0+OTA1, plus we wanted to expand NVS partition size. We got several devices alr...
by luisonoff
Thu Apr 11, 2019 8:50 am
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: ESP32 Unable to get IP from Server in Native_OTA
Replies: 2
Views: 4891

Re: ESP32 Unable to get IP from Server in Native_OTA

I recently faced very similar problem and it was caused by our DHCP service not providing IP to some MACs or something like that. Recommend you try same code but connecting to a different wifi network just to check that it is now caused by that wifi network, for example I checked this using wifi hot...
by luisonoff
Mon Apr 08, 2019 8:47 am
Forum: Hardware
Topic: SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP never received, other units work, Wrover-B defective?
Replies: 2
Views: 7359

Re: SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP never received, other units work, Wrover-B defective?

We found out the problem!!! After some investigation we found out our DHCP server in my company was working erratically, not giving IP to some specific MAC addresses, but working ok with the vast majority. No idea why. We have Windows Server 2012, we removed the option of DHCP redundancy and restart...
by luisonoff
Mon Apr 08, 2019 8:46 am
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: Can't get IP (intermittent)
Replies: 3
Views: 8092

Re: Can't get IP (intermittent)

Note for future finders of this topic: I was also facing a very similar problem, where one of my units was not getting the GOT_IP event after connecting to wifi. After some investigation we found out our DHCP server in my company was working erratically, not giving IP to some specific MAC addresses...
by luisonoff
Wed Apr 03, 2019 8:31 am
Forum: Hardware
Topic: SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP never received, other units work, Wrover-B defective?
Replies: 2
Views: 7359

Re: SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP never received, other units work, Wrover-B defective?

Added some debug logs to github issue, still no idea of why just one of my 4 units is not getting the IP event but seems to be connecting OK to wifi.

Any help or hint is much appreciated, thank you. :)
by luisonoff
Tue Apr 02, 2019 7:40 am
Forum: Hardware
Topic: SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP never received, other units work, Wrover-B defective?
Replies: 2
Views: 7359

SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP never received, other units work, Wrover-B defective?

-- I also opened same issue on github -- Hello, Please help me debug this issue, right now I believe we got a defective Wrover-B module, but don't know how to confirm this. At my company, Sistel, we are at the final stage of product development using ...
by luisonoff
Thu Feb 28, 2019 9:34 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Performance benchmark compared to Cortex M4 series
Replies: 7
Views: 37840

Re: Performance benchmark compared to Cortex M4 series

I did a very similar comparison in terms of performance and energy consumption with info and tests gathered from the internet a while ago... can't find my notes on that. If I remember correctly, the "only" good things about Xtensa and ESP32 were the price, the higher clock and dual core, and of cour...
by luisonoff
Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:39 am
Forum: ESP-IDF
Topic: v3.0 to v3.1 migration guide? WiFi not working...
Replies: 29
Views: 37177

Re: v3.0 to v3.1 migration guide? WiFi not working...

If you are not finding here the support you expected, try creating a new issue on the IDF github repository, attaching everything you can and logs and code and how it is failing, etc. I am sure they will take a look at it, please be patient because it is chinese new year holiday, until February 15th...