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by AgentPoldi
Thu Feb 13, 2025 1:08 pm
Forum: ESP8266
Topic: PCF8574 LCD driver for NonOs?
Replies: 2
Views: 1978

Re: PCF8574 LCD driver for NonOs?

Some additional information: 1. In an existing open source project (more than 100.000 lines) that works with AVR, ARM and ESP8266, I would like to add I2C 1602 LCD for ESP8266 (AVR devices uses direct connected HD44780 displays); 2 The project is a mixture of Perl + AVR GCC + gcc arm none eabi + Non...
by AgentPoldi
Tue Feb 11, 2025 11:00 am
Forum: ESP8266
Topic: PCF8574 LCD driver for NonOs?
Replies: 2
Views: 1978

PCF8574 LCD driver for NonOs?

Hello Dorum members, I have been unsuccessfully looking for a I2C PCF8574 (and support for HD44780 LCD) driver for NonOs SDK, that works with i2c-master library from this SDK. I found drivers for Arduino IDE, IDF, Rtos, Python, ... but nothing for NonOs. Can anyone help me with a web link to these d...