Search found 13 matches

by another_esp_user
Tue Aug 06, 2024 10:40 am
Forum: ESP-IDF 中文讨论版
Topic: printf格式化问题,编译结果和ide的语法高亮不一致(整型和长整型的认定)
Replies: 1
Views: 1188


我看了一下网上的资料,现在uint32_t 按早risc-v被认为是unsigned long 了,但是ide语法检查还是认为他是unsigned int...
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uint32_t min_heap = esp_get_minimum_free_heap_size();
ESP_LOGI(MESH_TAG, "Sent to internal:%s,mem:%lu",,min_heap);
by another_esp_user
Tue Mar 07, 2023 1:43 am
Forum: ESP-IDF 中文讨论版
Topic: WIFI Mesh 如何禁止某几个节点变成root?
Replies: 0
Views: 728

WIFI Mesh 如何禁止某几个节点变成root?

by another_esp_user
Wed Feb 08, 2023 3:11 am
Forum: ESP-IDF 中文讨论版
Topic: 关于mesh 的internal_communication例子
Replies: 0
Views: 1325

关于mesh 的internal_communication例子

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by another_esp_user
Sat Dec 03, 2022 10:06 am
Forum: ESP-IDF 中文讨论版
Topic: ESP32 WiFi stack precompiled libraries源码在哪里?
Replies: 1
Views: 1747

ESP32 WiFi stack precompiled libraries源码在哪里?
by another_esp_user
Fri Aug 26, 2022 2:09 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: OpenOCD errors
Replies: 4
Views: 12453

Re: OpenOCD errors

Thank you JoveToo !! You saved my day!!!
by another_esp_user
Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:10 am
Forum: ESP IoT Solution
Topic: Unexpected change of static pointer values
Replies: 0
Views: 8335

Unexpected change of static pointer values

I am new to C and esp.. I encounter a weird situation building app with lvgl(don't know whether it is the cause). The thing is I declared a global static function pointer in one of my .c file and I only assigned it once(with a function declared in a included header file). Then I used a task to print...
by another_esp_user
Sat Dec 11, 2021 1:24 am
Forum: ESP IoT Solution 中文讨论版
Topic: LVGL 使用过程中 static 变量问题
Replies: 1
Views: 9308

Re: LVGL 使用过程中 static 变量问题

static void main_menu_panel_proc(int8_t panel_act,int8_t item_act){

by another_esp_user
Fri Dec 10, 2021 9:56 am
Forum: ESP IoT Solution 中文讨论版
Topic: LVGL 使用过程中 static 变量问题
Replies: 1
Views: 9308

LVGL 使用过程中 static 变量问题

(3.09 KiB) Downloaded 775 times
这份代码中我声明了一个全局static 函数指针static FP_MENU_PANEL current_menu_panel;,我仅仅在init_menu对这个指针做过一次赋值,指向此文件包含的一个头文件中的函数main_menu_panel,之后就没有修改它了,但是我在日志中输出这个指针的值时发现它一直在变动,系统有警告日志,指向lvgl的一个文件,请问这个是怎么回事?我是新手,有点不理解。
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by another_esp_user
Mon Dec 06, 2021 4:19 am
Forum: ESP IoT Solution 中文讨论版
Topic: lvgl canvas 图形被截断
Replies: 0
Views: 7158

lvgl canvas 图形被截断

我用的中景园st7789 240x240的屏幕,canvas总是截掉80个像素的图片,我画一个图形放在0,0只显示一部分,然后canvas坐标慢慢往下(默认坐标系下y增加)就显示得越来越多。我并没有用任何变换。 y是80的情况.jpg y是40的情况.jpg y是0的情况.jpg 请问这会是我代码的问题吗? void init_display(QueueHandle_t *msg_queue) { queue = msg_queue; esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK; spi_config_t bus_conf = { .miso_io_num = SPI2_MISO, .mos...